
Soy un Niño Jugando con las Posibilidades -- Ahora solo yo podría en serio morir con juegos, como esto, pero si algún día digo fuego, fuego.

With my next question I'll attempt to recover work so I apologize in advance but you won't have much context at times. Ok. Please read both the following poem and the following investigation. Here are the links: 

please, use the poem as an stylistic metric capable of moving, of transmitting either strong or nuanced affectations with precission. in that literary transit, please revisit the investigative production and return suggestions to transform its tone from the passionette academic that has now into a proper literary piece. That writting lived a full life as test-into-essay, so I think it's time for trying and sell it to publishers. That's what I need: transform, mutate the non fiction academical obligatory assaigment to let the chaotic moves and feelings of poetry invade it and forge a needed newer expression . Please, suggest as many points as you can process. Thanks

Actores y Agentes en los Flujos Culturales

Actores y Agentes en los Flujos Culturales
muerta su función, un actor inerte se vuelve agente a través de la resignificación continua y recurrentemente impregnada en su materialidad. la ciudad se encarga del mantenimiento de monolitos espontáneos, haciéndoles participar de su propio flujo cultural, hasta que tanto lo artificial como lo fantasmagórico aparecen únicamente en el ejercicio analítico: la agencia emergente es, en este punto, autopoyéticamente patente.